Credible eye-opener
15 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The news that stunned me most, in this film, was that the Iraqi army were waiting to be given orders, i.e., put to good use, by the USA, and instead were ordered to disband. It's obvious they could have helped the USA, in terms of maintaining a temporary martial law in Iraq. Instead, with nothing else to do and no way to feed their families, Iraqi ex-soldiers spurred and armed the insurgency against the USA. There's so much in this film that's revelatory and shocking, reported by insiders who were there -- many of whom speak with integrity and conscience.

As an indictment of the Bush Administration's colossal botch job in Iraq this film has 10 times the impact of, say, Michael Moore's "Farenheit 911" (which I also liked). I ended up wondering if the Bushies actually AIM to destroy the United States for some reason (by bankrupting the government, trashing our international reputation, and killing our armed forces for nothing). After all, they're not accountable to the American electorate or the Constitution -- they answer to their elite buddies who own Halliburton, Bechtel, Blackwater, and so on.
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