The X-Files: Folie a Deux (1998)
Season 5, Episode 19
Don't let the bed bugs bite
16 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far one of my favorites. The episode is about a creepy buglike creature that can change its appearance into a human being by "hiding in the light". A man who works at a call center realizes that this his boss is this bug and the bug is killing the employees and turning them into zombies who also look normal in the light but zombie like in the dark. Somehow this man has learned how to see them for what they are. This episode reminds me of a Goosebumps story. Not a specific one but I can see one being like this. I like the scenes where the manager is calling each employee in to meet with them and the man can see that it is a bug and not a human. It seems very comical yet at the same time terribly creepy to see this bug welcoming his unsuspecting employees into his office. I also love the part where Mulder is taken to the mental hospital for attacking the man in Skinner's office. This is one of those wonderfully comical yet creepy scenes. I use the following dialogue as example:

NURSE: There we go. (closes the bed curtain) Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite. (NURSE turns off light and leaves the room. MULDER starts to relax, then hears insect sounds. Through the curtain he sees the shadow of the insect creature in the window) MULDER: Nurse. Nurse! Nurse! It's here! Nurse! It's here! (NURSE opens the curtain.) It's here! It's at the window! NURSE: What's here? MULDER: (trying to sound calm and rational) There is something … there is something at the window and it's trying to get in here. Please unstrap me so that I can stop it. NURSE: We're three floors up. There's nothing at the window. MULDER: Undo my straps so I can check. NURSE: (turning on light) I can show you … MULDER: No, don't! No! Just please …! Please. NURSE: See? (taps closed window) Nothing's going to get you. MULDER: Okay. Just, uh … just untie me anyway please. (NURSE looking spooky unlocks and opens window.) MULDER: What are you doing? NURSE: (sounding spooky) You just need some fresh air. (As MULDER stares at her, NURSE tightens the straps holding MULDER and closes the curtain again.)

We later find out that the nurse is also one of the bug's zombie slaves. Wonderful episode. 10/10.
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