Kimora Lee Simons
19 November 2007
I AM SO SICK OF KIMORA LEE SIMMONS I COULD PUKE! So she is a rich, spoiled witch who thinks the world is impressed by her fortune or the world owes her something, but no body cares about her and her SELF RIGHTEOUS ATTITUDE! I am so tired of her and her Atheism; bow down to me I AM Goddess shows!!! How many times can you play this?????????? She is sickening, and her comment "I am sorry God for only talking to you when I need you, I am going to start talking to you every day" is disgusting! Can you not find a wholesome entertaining show to put in place of her nonsense? We have even discussed this at work, it is SO BAD! I would watch ANYTHING, IF THERE WERE ANYTHING ELSE ON! I am a single lady and have never had the extravagances of Kimora. Bless her that she has, but we here in the real world DO NOT appreciate all of her "Fabulousity! I have basic cable and my choices are few but if I have to watch one more of her three or four shows, I am considering disconnecting TV completely! Who does she think she is, God incarnate??? I do love your re-runs Monday to Thursday from 8:00 to 10:00, but I have really just about had it over my head with this person, I refuse to call her a woman or lady as she is neither!!!!! Won't you PLEASE reconsider the time you throw away on her? There ARE shows with family values that relate to real life and she is not even close! Although SHE really THINKS SHE IS ALL THAT. I like your other programming, but THIS ONE STINKS! Please reconsider!!!!
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