Dark Corners (2006)
Extremely disappointed
21 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
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After telling a friend I liked horror movies, he borrowed me this one. I've watched it in the evening, with my husband, not even knowing what kind of movie it was.

The beginning was very interesting despite of the gruesome cues and the very poor dialog. (Extremelly poor dialog! As for instance when the main character and her husband first come on screen and he asks her if she'd still want to make love to him if he were a dog! You figure the motivation of the writer out!)

I was courageous enough to hold fast till the end of the movie and survive to some very graphic scenes, the worse, no doubt about that, being the one where the main character is tortured and loses one of her fetus. I could barely watch it.

The ending makes all the suffering worthless and we can only hate anybody involved in the project. Not only because it is bad, because there are bad stories well told, but because it had some potential of being an interesting story and it was totally thrown by he window by a lack of attention, work and dedication. The attempt to shock the viewer was visibly the strongest motivation here, making the filmmakers forget the quality of the project. A pity since a lot of good ideas were spoiled by a bad motivation and everyone involved is to blame for this horrible movie.
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