The category this children's show falls under...
25 November 2007
I'm not actually writing to comment about this show. I wanted to comment on the header for the category this particular show is listed under: "Erotic Entertainment for Kids"?!? What is that? I wanted to say that my fiancé works on the design and production for all of these shows, and that I'm astounded that anyone would even jokingly throw Veggie Tales in the category of "Erotic...". This outrages me, not only because this is ridiculous, but also because it happens to be very misleading to anyone who may happen to come across this page. I'm not sure how else to report this error, or let someone know about the problem, but I thought this might be a way to get your attention. I tend to take IMDb as a pretty viable site. Please don't ruin that for me. I use this all the time. Change the header, please. This is ludicrous.
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