Featuring A Cast Of Thousands (or so it would seem)
25 November 2007
If you've been involved in Punk circles as long as I have,this film is for you. It gathers scads of interviews with tons of musicians who were (and thankfully still are)part of the Punk scene since the mid 1970's (and in a few cases,the early pre-Punk 1970's),as well as snippets of performances by scads of bands,both from back in the day,as well as today. Okay, I know that at least a few folk who do see it will probably moan that their favorite bands were left out (I know I did), but come on folks, with a scene as wide and varied as the Punk scene was, some trimming is bound to happen (I know I walked out of 'Hardcore USA'feeling that there should have been tons of bands represented). Once this film is released on DVD, it'll make for a bitchin' party video. Gabba Gabba Hey!
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