Review of The Manor

The Manor (1999)
not bad,good performances of black humor play
1 December 2007
this is based on a stage play and thats what it looks like.Its all shot in interiors of what is supposed to be an English country manor,the action takes place in a few rooms and there's repeatedly cut-between shots of imaginary scenes or other scenes that are not explained until the end of the movie.Most of the plot is related to the main long stairs of the manor and we get to see repeated shots of these stairs to the point that it gets tiring. The good things about this movie are the ladies' performances,which are all above average,O'Toole has a small funny role,if you are a fan of O'Toole this is not anything worthwhile to watch of this great actor.The cinematography is also very nice and so are the sets. This script has a lot of dark humor but its not for everyone's taste. It wasn't bad,but i don't rate it as anything particularly good.Its worth a look though,i watched this and wasn't bored i even laughed in a couple of scenes.
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