Gideon C.I.D. (1964–1966)
1 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This series appeared on television about the time I moved to secondary school. A friend recommended it and I got hooked. I agree with other commentators that John Gregson was perfectly cast for the part, rather in the way that only Patrick McNee could have been John Steed of The Avengers.

I recollect it being a perfect successor to Dixon of Dock Green. Public sensibilities had hardened a little and the series addressed criminal issues with a greater realism, yet without that descent into cynicism of the later and equally excellent Sweeney. It was still basically a feel-good series. We could all continue to rest easy in our beds. No matter what the villains could muster, decent old George could always be relied upon to do the right and honourable thing.

How times have changed. Gimme back them 60's any day. I haven't seen the series since then, yet even now I find myself whistling its jaunty little theme tune, and feeling that guilty pang of not having done my homework, which the program invariably forestalled.
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