I thought it was great !!!
5 December 2007
After meeting DB during the Santa Fe Film Festival I wanted to check out his movie. I had already planned to go to the film but a few changes happened at the first showing. I promised him I would definitely go to the 2nd and I am glad I did. It had great humor, and a heart. It took me back to the times I spend with my childhood friends which have been friends for over 30 years. The trials we had through the years keeping our friendships together and how we made it through the roughest spots and remained friends. I thank you "DB" for making this film and your kindness in talking to me at the Santa Fe Film Festival. I am looking forward to your next project. Please contact me when you release this film I would like to purchase a copy for my friends in Oklahoma. Continued success in your career and life. The film also included great cinema photography, great acting, and surprises which I will not tell here you will have to see it when it comes to your town :) Thank you for the opportunity to see this great film. Sincerely J. Nathan Simmons of NewMexicoActors.com
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