For One More Day-Not for One More Moment *
10 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Depressing and utterly revolting film about an alcoholic former baseball player who is allowed to spend one more day with his mother. She has been dead for 9 years and he has put a gun to his head to end it all. The problem is the writing is very bad and someone should have put an end to that quickly.

Ellen Burstyn is great particularly when she has a nasty, meaty role. Unfortunately, in this film, she is too matter by the fact, going by the book mom. It just doesn't work for her. Imperioli delivers a suitable performance and his appearance as an alcoholic best describes the mess in the film.

People come and go in this film like water. One black woman appears as a ghost. Another will die that evening. To add insult to injury, Imperioli's father was thrown out years before by Burstyn when she discovered that he had committed bigamy! That's all that's missing in this clinker.

This is a story of missed opportunities and incredibly bad luck. Oprah Winfrey should have her head examined for producing such a depressing, uneven story. Even the flashback techniques in film making doesn't work here. It's too much and even confusing at times.

A major disappointment. I anticipated so much better.
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