Cops and Robbers (1997– )
A lighthearted periodical Czech Dramady
15 December 2007
This is just a quick comment, or rebuttal if you will, to the only other comment noted in here so far...

I don't know who posted the previous comment... It can't be anyone who is well acquainted with Czech humor... this show is very clever, and very funny and is packed with atmosphere... furthermore, the acting is very good, much better then shows from the west which boast predictable and glossed over story lines with flat acting... which is also why most of the time actors in US shows have only one life span; that of the show... actors in Europe play a wide range and variety of roles over their lifespan...

This show is not meant to be a slap stick comedy, its writing is witty and clever and that's where the comedy is... also, the humor is somewhat specific to the culture from which it comes...

Also, this show is not meant to be a serious illusionary criminal drama like Poirot, it's not even in the same genre... if that's what you are looking for you will be sorely disappointed... it's a bit of a spoof on all the serious criminal dramas... more than anything this show is about the people and their relationships... it's a nice, nostalgic if you will, trip back to a time when life was simpler...
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