En attendant Godot
16 December 2007
"Quand la Femme S'En Mêle " is some kind of who's who of the FRench cinema of the era: Bernard Blier,Edwige Feuillère,Jean Servais,Jean Lefèvre,two promising young actors,Alain Delon and Bruno Cremer,not to mention the girl who's the young romantic lead ,Sophie Daumier (later known as Guy Bedos's partner),and many more.

The film itself is quite undistinguished .The director ,Yves Allegret,one of the French past masters of films noirs ,was the ghost of himself in 1957."Une Si Jolie Petite Plage" "Dédée d'Anvers" "Manèges" and "Les Orgueilleux" ,all made in the early fifties/Late forties seemed very far away.His 1957 effort is neither a comedy -although some of its lines are funny enough(Daughter:Mom,there are two dead bodies on the street ;Mother:darling,it's common in Paris!)- nor a film noir .Allégret tried to mix the genres and the results are not convincing.Sometimes,Edwige Feuillère's character recalls that of Jenny played by Françoise Rosay in Marcel Carné's eponymous movie (1936).Nowadays ,it's Delon's presence which attracts the viewers.They'd better choose René Clément's "Plein Soleil" instead.
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