The most riveting and realistic love story I've ever seen.
16 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I put off seeing this for 2 years as I've had my heart broken 3 times by "straight" guys who all developed feelings for me. I wasn't sure what to expect and since I'm so quick to temper over issues of religion and societal view of homosexuality, I held out.

During a flight for the holiday I loaded it to my iPod and watched it.

By the time the movie ended, I was sobbing. The nice lady next to me asked me if I was OK. The flight attendant did the same. In 30 years, no movie has EVER made me do that. This movie touched on my entire life. It touched on things that I see everybody wants but few achieve. And apparently it touches others too.

This movie stirs powerful, profound emotions from everyone who watches it. Male or Female, Gay or Straight—it does relate to you. It has permanently affected me like no other movie has to date.

In utter amazement and joy, riding waves of love and terror from past experience-- unfolding again right in front of me.... I watched my pursuit of love unfold on screen, with the same results.

The only reason why this movie is so difficult for some to see (for different reasons), and why it is so powerful is that it is a perfect mirror of humanity and how society is.

It shows what COULD be for anyone, if it weren't for religious/cultural/social conformity and edicts on just who is supposed to be with whom.

It is truth. Jack and Ennis could have had the perfect relationship, and we all wanted them to, but for the fact that they were told by society that it is wrong to have loved one another. We ALL wanted them to be together. It is what we each want for ourselves.

It was true love. It was based on friendship, respect, and (ironically) emotional honesty. It lasted. It held out.

This movie provides a "what if" scenario, that is so possible and normal, that we have to ask "why are we so intolerant-- what is so wrong with Jack and Ennis being together-- what did we do as a society to discourage them???" (To all... please think of that the next time the "defense of marriage act" comes into any voting issues. Gay couples have the same fundamental right to pursue the same happiness as heterosexuals despite what the "majority" of society says-- if this movie touched you then you should agree.) This movie stirs you because it reflects how powerful an influence our learning environment can be, and the roles society and our parents put on us that we are programmed and expected to follow-- and if not we face dangerous, drastic unknowns.

All told, after having all my life experiences confirmed by this movie, I now firmly and avidly detest and denounce all those institutions and individuals who have contributed to the suppression of homosexual relationships. They have ruined countless lives and destroyed many chances of deep and profound relationships occurring as in the movie.

Ironically, again I am afraid to watch it, but for entirely different reasons. I don't have the strength yet to sit through the truly beautiful and devastating emotional rides this movie delivers. I've spent years trying not to think of my failed attempts to be with my own Ennis. I focus on the friendships I have with them to this day instead. But it hurts so much... I can't quit any of them it seems, just like Jack.

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