Motor Home Massacre (2005 Video)
I would rather be massacred than watch this again!
23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I can't think of one single thing good to say, other than the Wide Angle shot of the Motor Home in front of the house in the very beginning. This film starts out with a very clumsily shot sequence where a girl gets strung up inside her tent and stabbed. We get some really quick cuts, and the motion of the shot is moved around to make it look more violent than it really was. The blood is very pink! Come on it's not that hard to make real looking blood! Look it up on the net, you'll find it! This movie has the most idiotic clichéd characters I have ever witnessed, and I watch A lot of indie horror. I actually prefer it for the most, but this was pure garbage. The soundtrack was bad beyond words and had some terrible music cues! Not quit as bad as Rob Zombie's Halloween but really bad. The Garage band loops get very old, very fast!There is no continuity! Watch the dork guys outfit change in the beginning! As one reviewer posted a low budget is no reason for obvious mistakes like this one! The day for night shots looked really bad. We go from a really dark lit camp scene to a daytime shot with a little blue tint added to it. Shoot closer to dusk or very early morning! Don't shoot in the middle of the day and expect to pull this trick off! Oh my gosh this is bad! I give Kudos for getting the movie made, and out there, but try a little harder next time people! Wow LionsGate! Mr. Jingles last week, and now this crap! Really bad ending as well. Stay away from this at all costs!
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