So Glad Cardboard Will Survive a Nuclear Holocaust!
25 December 2007
You may have thought you'd seen it all but you just have not until you've seen Warriors of the Wasteland, an apocalyptic tale of one man, Scorpion, fighting off the Templars - a group to which he formally belonged that goes around trying to purge mankind by killing any survivors(except themselves of course)of the nuclear holocaust which has left a barren world void of any vegetation or animal life or real cities but lo! has allowed a new world of crates, cardboard cities, junk cars and trucks, and movable golf carts by the dozens. There must also be gasoline I assume in this new post-apocalyptic vision. Hmmm. This film is just awful and just awful in so many ways. Let's, for a moment, buy into the cardboard cities that somehow survive while cities of stones, bricks, and steel disintegrate - the story is ludicrous as we see a band of men just attack with no real purpose. Why do they follow the man known as One? Why was there even a nuclear holocaust? Where did the cardboard come from? How about the big bubbles that are put over holes in cars? The golf carts with mechanisms that come out and slowly decapitate men that run and never waver from a straight path? The cast is wooden and principally Italian with Fred Williamson standing out in a bland performance but better than most of what you get. I really wasn't expecting much, but you think if people got enough money to produce this and act in it and assemble all that cardboard that they would have at least put a bit more care and attention to details, the story, the direction, the settings, and their performances. At the very least the American title is partially prophetic using the word "waste."
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