Review of Bibleman

Bibleman (1995– )
Another Poor Spin off Attempt
29 December 2007
There's a common consistency with Christians and "fishing for men(children, really)" that cracks me up. Whenever there's an attempt to copy, it fails. This is seen in movies, video games, music, and TV shows. It's beyond me how a religion expects to dopplegang a popular thing and make it suitable for their morales. As stated, many times before, shows like Veggie Tales sell--both monetarily and morally. This is due to originality... To summarize: Christian copy = FAIL Christian originality = SUCCESS

That said, "Bibleman" fits in the prior. It's a garbage copy of a copy. It spins off other children's shows, and doesn't bring anything further to the table. The plots are lacking creativity, the messages are mixed, the characters are terrible, the edit job is comedic, and the sets are a B-film joke.

I don't want to knock any of the "values" or "ideas" expressed in some of the episodes. This is a children's show, and not meant to become a forum for non-Christians to retort (which is hard, lol). I find it funny that religious trollers lurk to the Da Vinci Code/Golden Compass/ETC. boards and rant hopelessly, and this comment list is filled with the exact same thing (in an opposite fashion), so forget it.

My recommendation to the Christian parent: Check it out and pick it up (I'm sure it's cheap). As other parents stated before, it does have the values you're looking for. Nonetheless, don't expect anything fantastic, like more mainstream religious entertainment.

My recommendation to the rest of us: Watch this. Not for its values or purpose, but for the sheer morbid love for terrible shows. If your one of those people that "knock" at things for the comedy of failure, this is for you. I'm sure it'll spark a blog or youtube video of all sorts.
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