And I thought Jason X was going to the worst.... (Spoilers)
2 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
My friend and I rented two movies, knowing that they were going to be bad; Jason X, and this, Friday the 13th 8. We watched Jason X first, and both agreed that it was pretty bad. And then we watched this..... Oh god this was horrible. To start, the concept is stupid, Jason going to Manhattan. Cities in New York are really over used in movies, no matter how good the movie may be. In the flashback at the beginning, of young Jason drowning, they COMPLETELY screwed up what his appearance is supposed to be. Jason was supposed to look like a bald, deformed child. In this, he has plenty of hair, and he looks like a normal little boy. Another thing, I do believe Jason SWIMS to that cruise thats headed towards Manhattan (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Everyone who knows enough about Jason Voorhees and the Friday series should know that he can't swim, and that he's afraid of water. And even if I am wrong about that, why would they make him be on a boat, surrounded by water? And one incredibly stupid is when Jason is chasing those two people IN FRONT OF HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE, Jason scares those kids by lifting up his mask. And finally, the final scene in the sewer, Jason's hockey mask comes off, and you get to see his face. AND THEY SCREW THAT UP TOO. Again, Jason is supposed to look deformed. In this, they make him look like a zombie in those cliché' zombie movies. I could go on all day about how bad this movie is. Don't rent it. I seriously regret renting it, even if you want to rent a bad movie to get a laugh about it. This is a horrible movie, and I'm never watching it again. The end.
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