Review of JPod

JPod (2008– )
10 January 2008
There were some genuinely amusing moments in the first show, primarily the mother having to repeatedly revisit a corpse of a drug dealer she accidentally killed. I enjoyed the role reversal of son bailing out his two irresponsible parents time after time.

Parts of it were just silly and embarrassing, like the obscene towel dance. It was as if writer Coupland thought "What can I have this character do unexpected, totally off the wall, and almost incomprehensibly motivated."

My nephew played juniper/John Doe. He had few lines, but mostly just stood around acting sanely as balance for everyone else, and every once in a while showing off his startling blue eyes.

There was some over the top spoofing of violence in video games. And of course the boss from hell who was an utter idiot but is blissfully unaware of it.

It has a tone similar to Arrested Development, where characters behave in grossly exaggerated ways. The show gave the impression of little set pieces just thrown together without any glue to hold them together. The first show was also a bit long on exposition to introduce the characters.

I will have to see how the show develops.
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