Law & Order: The Brotherhood (2004)
Season 15, Episode 3
Finally a little realism
11 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have enjoyed Law & Order for many years. I like the stories because they don't dwell on sub-plots. I don't care about inter office romance, or which back stabbing doctor is jockeying for head position, I just want a good trial mystery. My only contention with L&O in the last few years is during the trials it can get a little preachy. Every so often a case comes along where some one take the law in to there own hands. While for the most part I think this is wrong, some times life does not fit into a neat little box. Rules and laws need to be bent. In this episode we have a prison guard on trial for killing a gang member that has threaten his family when he gets out of jail. In far too many episodes I feel Justus is not served. In this case the trial ends in a hung jury and the guard gets off, only to have his wife kidnapped at the very end. Life is not like a TV show. I always laugh when people get a restraining order. That is a piece of paper not a shield of armor. If some crazy person is hell bent on hurting you that paper will not save you. The guard did the right thing to try and protect his family. I hope this episode makes people think. The law is there to serve and protect us, but some times it falls short.
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