The Diane Linkletter Story is recommended only for fans of John Waters and/or the off-beat
12 January 2008
Because of another commentator's review of this and the fact it was an early John Waters work, I decided to check out The Diane Linkletter Story. Supposedly the last minutes of Diane's life as portrayed by Divine as she and David Lochary and Mary Vivian Pearce as her parents, we basically see them shout over each other about Diane's boyfriend, the drugs she takes, and the commune she hangs out with before the tragic ending. The parts I found funny (whether intentional or not) were the outdated terms Divine says like "far out" and "out-of-sight". Otherwise, it's just amateurish acting-with little compelling dramatization-as performed by a bunch of friends just starting out. Recommended only to Waters completists or those with a taste of the off-beat.
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