James Dumont Scores Big in this film!
12 January 2008
I have to admit that I'm generally not a fan of this genre so I was not looking forward to the screening I had to attend. James DuMont's superb performance made the experience well worth my time.

Every once in a while you get to see a performance that reminds you why you go to the movies and James DuMont's performance it subtle, deep and compelling.

I was also glad to see the film had some substance beyond what I originally thought. It has a lot to say about isolation and need the for love. Both of which DuMont captures vividly. Making an otherwise awful character sympathetic. No small feat with a role like this and one that could have very easily been overplayed.

Please don't let my going on about DuMont detract anything at all from Michelle Tomlinson's wonderful performance. The two actors are equally matched in this clever cat and mouse game of love and survival.

Now I think it would be great to see them together in a romantic comedy.

I was glad I saw this movie and I think you will be as well.
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