Pretty entertaining--too bad it was chock full of tedious songs!
24 January 2008
The main plot of this film is fairly entertaining and it hooked me--even though the material seemed awfully familiar. Band leader Jimmy Cagney goes to Hollywood to do a screen test and he becomes a star. The film is filled with interesting behind the scenes intrigue and studio business and is in some ways reminiscent of a light-weight version of A STAR IS BORN and other "behind the scenes" movies. In addition, how the studio head (Gene Lockhart) and publicity agent (William Frawley) schemed is pretty funny and diverting. These two men plus Cagney did a lovely job despite having rather limp support from the rest of the cast.

Unfortunately, despite the nice but familiar plot, the film was also chock full of tedious songs. While Cagney's dance numbers weren't bad (what he lacked in grace he made up for in energy), his co-star (Evelyn Daw) sang in a style that was like an amalgam of opera and big band music--something that I disliked intensely. Had she only sang one or two numbers, this might not have been so bad, but she seemed to sing and sing and sing--when all the audience really wanted was more of Cagney and his nice, easy-going personality.

Worth seeing for Cagney fans, but definitely one of his lesser films.
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