Peter Lorre: Sadness Under The Comic Mask
27 January 2008
"What goes on behind that comic mask? He looks so sad," comments author Stephen Youngkin, who narrates this biography of th diminutive famous actor.

Lorre started his career with the German film"M," which catapulted him to international fame and he ended his career in "Muscle Beach Party" in a cameo role as "Mr. Strangedour."

"How can I reconcile this great actor starting so high and falling so low," asks Youngkin in this documentary. It led Youngkin to do extensive research on this man, and then winding up writing his biography.

Youngkin then gives us the history of Peter Lorre, where he came from, how he got started in acting as a kid, his family's concerns about him being an actor, finding himself alone in Vienna but developing his talent which included comedy. We hear about his down-and-out periods, both in Germany, England and in Hollywood, and the story of how he became "Mr. Moto." We also learn of his drug addiction to morphine, his many other physical problems, his three marriages and the amazing fact that many women saw him as very sexy!

This look back at Lorre was a bonus feature on the DVD, "Mr. Moto Takes A Chance." It was an interesting look at a very interesting human being.
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