The Idiots (1998)
5 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I think I would have had a much different view on this film if I hadn't seen Borat. Borat uses the same type of humour, but in his case the people aren't in on the joke. That's a kind of humour that I laugh at, but it makes me very uncomfortable.

It was the juxtaposition between knowing that this is a movie, and that Borat used real people that didn't make this as uncomfortable about it. What really makes it uncomfortable is the fact that I have spassed myself.

I don't have much of a defense of my behaviour other than I didn't plan to do it. I was bored, sitting with a hospital administrator and so I started rocking in my chair. This was misinterpreted, and I went along with it. It was a bit of a thrill ride, because I didn't know where it was going.

I was scared witless and laughing at the scene at the bar with the bikers. I saw him getting beat up or worse, and I felt bad for what I had done. Not bad enough to say that I would never do it again. Because I approached is as an experiment, and it was very interesting to see how people treat you.

I think that if you make the decision to go down that road you have to accept the consequences. Getting beat up. Having people slap you. I think what Borat pointed out is that we have some fairly condescending notion about people from other countries.

Some of the reviewers were happy when Karen returned to her home, spassed and then got slapped in the face. I thought it was the perfect conclusion to the film. It's easy to spass when there isn't much to risk.

I think it was important to know the various reasons that the people had for what they were doing. So when Karen thanks everyone, she doesn't thank Stoffer, because she knew that his motives were suspect. He has a bit of the Borat cruelty in him.

So she picks the kindest of the group to go with her. So she can see what a miserable place she left. And she can watch the self-destruction. Because Karen wants to make a statement about the group and what they did, and that it meant something to her.

As far as the nudity is concerned, I saw the uncut version, and of course it's much ado about nothing. The nudity is not sexy. These people are taking their ideas to their logical conclusion. The whole idea behind being a spass is that you don't understand convention.

Convention tells Karen she has to stay in that creepy house with all those people and their expectations. I think we'd all like to be free from that type of oppression. People grieve in different ways, and it didn't look like there was much understanding.

Ultimately, I didn't like Borat, but I really did like this film. I think the filmmaker took on some challenging themes, and did an excellent job with them. Much credit has to go to the excellent acting job of all involved.
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