Entertaining but stupid
6 February 2008
There are so many ridiculous story elements to this B-movie that I just can't bring myself to give it a score any higher than 3 (and this might be a bit generous)--though I must admit that it was rather entertaining at times--but certainly NOT for the entire film.

The story begins with a newly homeless lady meeting a guy in the park who has no idea who he is or where he is. At the same time, a cop comes and tells them to get moving, as it's late and they are loitering. Why, upon discovering this man with a bleeding head and amnesia didn't the lady just tell the cop and then get the man help?! Because, the film required the actors to occasionally act stupidly or bizarrely in order to make the convoluted plot work!! Later, the two decide (finally) to take him to the police station but on the way they see a newspaper that MIGHT indicate the amnesia victim committed a murder. So what does common sense tell you to do? Yep, DON'T take him to the police and help him to investigate the murder like Holmes and Watson!!! While this is stupid (after all he can be a maniac), it also makes no sense because so many people they meet might just be the murderer (if he isn't) and kill them to keep them quiet!! Sp they just blunder into the investigation and no one realizes they are implicated for the longest time!! So, provided you can ignore all this, the film then is only a moderately entertaining whodunit. Without good supporting performances and a rather listless mystery, it just isn't much of a film--only a very clichéd time-passer with a few decent performances.
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