A depressing and awful mess. What were James Earl Jones and Michael Clarke Duncan THINKING?
8 February 2008
I wasn't expecting much with this film. I got even less. I went for a bit of colour and dash, a way to pleasantly while away a couple hours after a rough week at work. However, I can only describe this "movie" as a hideous mess. Some of the cast members are great actors of the past--- James Earl Jones, Michael Clarke Duncan, for example. What were they thinking? Did the script come to their agents written in some foreign language such as Greek or Chinese? And they, therefore, had no idea what awful dreck they had signed on for? Or are those wonderful actors desperate for some dosh?

Clichés and stereotypes are fine--- they can be the fodder for pleasant comedies and more or less worthwhile escapist entertainment. This "film", though, was not escapist, nor was it funny, nor was it pleasant. It was an ugly, dim, depressing and sloppy piece of pooh.

Imagine the makers of a Ben Stiller-type "frustration comedy" movie on Qualudes, and on a 6-year bummer to boot. That's how mean spirited this so-called comedy was. The once-great Eddie Murphy's recent disaster "Norbit" was Oscar material compared to this. Save your money, and your time, and avoid this vapid and downer of a movie. BTW--- if anyone knows Martin Lawrence's address, let me have it, so I can demand my money back.
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