Teens unleash a disfigured boy's vengeful spirit...
10 February 2008
ANDREW ROBINSON is the new sheriff in town who cautions his daughter (AMI DOLENZ) against playing with the wrong trouble-making kids when she enters a new school. Naturally, his daughter has no intention of obeying him, since she's anxious to have friends and not happy with her home environment. This sets up a tale so similar to other horror flicks about kids warned to keep out of harm's way.

The prologue sets up the tale too. Seems a nerdy youth has been taunted to death by a team of unruly young men who show no mercy in dealing with someone who is "different". His spirit seeks revenge after the brutal treatment he's subjected to and that too becomes part of the whole revenge motif of the story.

The acting is fair, with ANDREW ROBINSON giving the strongest performance as the troubled father and the teens well played by the youngsters--but all in all, it's average as entertainment for anyone looking for a good horror film. Technical aspects are fine with some good photography and a properly menacing background score.

Trivia note: Sheriff Bubba is played by none other than George Clinton, Bill Clinton's younger brother, but his role has very little to do with the plot.
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