Review of Mitchell

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Mitchell (1993)
Season 6, Episode 12
Hamdingers,a George Pal quote and "So long,Joel!"
10 February 2008
Besides being another strong outing for the intrepid and sharp gang from Best Brains Inc,this offering--a riff on a TV crime drama pilot starring beefy,STRICTLY supporting actor Joe Don Baker,that was(big surprise!)not picked up--would be the sayonara for co-creator and(some would argue)the true genius behind this show Joel Hodgson,who manages escape when Gypsy mistakenly thinks the Mads on Deep 13 are trying to kill him. OPening the door for Head writer(not to mention genuinely gifted comic performer)Mike Nelson,the show would make a slow and steady change as it would shift from Hodgson's playful,prop-and-gag-based comedy to Nelson's drier,more skit fueled humor. I'd call this a keeper of an episode,but for multiple reasons. Then again,my love for this show has me open to owning AS MANY shows as I can get my mitts on,so maybe I'm not the most objective. Still,a watershed show that was one of the more memorable,as well as(as usual)brilliant.
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