14 February 2008
I had to sit through this video- of a concert by the title group recently. I can't see what all the fuss about this group was. The vocals are lame, their playing is amateurish and they have no stage persona at all. How can a good director like Demme squander his talents on an extended MTV style video like this? As you probably have guessed by now, I do not like this group. As a matter of fact, I HATE them. Yet for some reason, the music critics just loved them. I remember them fawning over them in the 1980s. I just didn't get it then just as I can't get it now. Music is highly unoriginal and seemed to rehash almost everything pop music threw at us then. The front man David Byrne has just about as much charisma as a faceless musician on a "Muzak" recording session, that is if real artists actually did these recordings at all. Not worth your time. In plain English, this film sucks.I really do not like to use vulgar langusage on my reviews, but I could not think of a better word to describe this garbage. Zero stars.
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