Uninitiated folks may want to select another Japanese cartoon
15 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Since my wife and I have enjoyed some of the box office hits produced by the classic Japanese cartoon directors (mostly subtitled versions of PRINCESS MONONOKE, SPIRITED AWAY, HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE, CASTLE IN THE SKY, etc.), we thought we'd give this title a try when it came to our local multiplex last weekend. After all, our town is so small that the concurrent animated release THE PIRATES WHO DON'T DO ANYTHING: A VEGGIE TALES MOVIE and Oscar-nominated THERE WILL BE BLOOD had NOT made it to our screens; therefore, ONE PIECE just HAD to be good by default.

I could mostly follow what was happening in this, but the dubbing and animation were more reminiscent of the six Pokemon titles I suffered through with my son than the 8, 9, and 10-rated titles mentioned in the first sentence above. My wife was willing to give it a 4 or 5; me a 6 or 7, so we compromised on a rating of 6.

If I had to recommend target audiences for ONE PIECE (other than people who have either read the comic books or seen the original cartoon series), I would suggest A)parents who want to punish REALLY bratty pre-teens, and B)cliques who attend flicks in altered states.
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