Take a Walk on the Mythic Side
18 February 2008
A big, mainstream Chinese movie, "bang bang, kiss kiss", except with swords and sorcery. "Clang clang, kiss kiss". Yet,I liked it.

I was a little worried when it started out, it looked like it might get high-handed or overblown. It's a fine line between mythic and stupid, but the reviews on IMDb were all so glowing, I kept at it. The love story was engaging, very believable, and the conflicts were unique. The movie manages to drop on the mythic side of the line.

One thing I noticed: The values are all what we call Western. The individual over the group, the convictions of the heart over the traditions of the clan, etc., and there was no real question about it. The main character kind of reminded me of James Dean or Montgomery Clift. There was even some actual kissing, too, which I think is a Western thing.

It's well done. I especially liked the acting of the two leads. You might find itinteresting, as long as you don't mind the dark witchy stuff or the definitely R-rated violence.

I'm looking forward to Part II. I feel like I'm crowding into the back of a big Hong Kong movie theater.
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