The Sighting (2016)
Solid talent taking its first steps
22 February 2008
This is one of those movies that finds you curled against the back of your sofa, alternately peaking through your fingers and pointing at the screen.

For their first major foray, the BadFritters have proved there's much more to their work than just hopes and dreams. Paper Dolls reflects a subtle, strong talent that's solidifying in the BadFritter team. (See previous film Roulette.)

Combining acting, scriptwriting, directing and producing, (yes, if you read the credits, they did them all) the team balances and merges with impressive savvy and subtlety. With Paper Dolls they created a horror film that takes us back to the days when horror films were... just that... but also brought a refreshing depth to the familiar, making us scream our pants off with glee while wondering if it isn't just all in our head.
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