A Winter Tale (2007)
A Canadian 'Fellini' without the fantasy!
29 February 2008
'A Wintery Tale' indeed, is intense and melancholy with everlasting tight shots that never puts the viewer at ease. Instead, it rises to pure confusion and then into a visual beauty... The power of this small film is that the viewer is thrown into the drama and the story early and the metaphor weaved throughout, which is Toronto, Canada, is disturbing to say the least. It's 'perfect multicultural mosaic' has gone sour...

Set in the Caribbean community in this rich North American city, gun violence and crime are rampant. Black against Black, a child is killed one cold night by a stray bullet from a drug deal shootout. A self-appointed sports teacher and social worker named Gene, decides enough is enough! He gathers a group of his fellow male colleagues and forces them to listen to each other and to look at who and what they have become.

In those beautiful tight shots, strong well developed characters, (much like Fellinis 'circus of alienated souls'), flush through a long dark tunnel of edgy personal stories until there's light. But at the end, the light is still gray and smoking... with a: "look who's dunnit again!" As a people, that is, diaspora Africans to the New World, the film questions, who are we? And where exactly are we going? It's clear that despite some of our unrealized dreams and hopes, we do have power; we live in the houses of power, so we must continue to demand a space and a room...

I'm still on edge. A MUST see film!! Ten (10) thumbs up!!
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