Review of The Constant

Lost: The Constant (2008)
Season 4, Episode 5
Lost does what Memento did to movies
3 March 2008
I just got an account here to rate this episode, to comment on it. I never thought of myself being susceptible to any form of freaky fan behavior.

But Lost has changed all this. It has changed television, it's the proof that intelligent, complex television does have its audience, an audience thankfully recognizing the effort the show's team puts into carefully putting the puzzle pieces in place. And this episode sure did put a lot of pieces in place. If Memento was the first "real Y2K" movie, then Lost is the first real Y2K series.

After the first season, I never thought anything could top the experience I had when watching it, but I was happily proved wrong after season 2 when Lockdown and the season's finale completely freaked me out. But after every season there is this constant fear if the show's team can uphold this high level of quality. There is even a little hope that things might even get better. And it constantly did, as amazing as it might be. Season 1 had this "adventurous" touch, it was fun to watch the people exploring the mysterious island proving all the skeptical people wrong that had thought this would turn out as a kind of survival show on the beach. Season 2 was the "scientific" one, and as a fan of the numbers and hatches or stations in general I was ultimately satisfied, those Dharma videos just completely knocked me out(please keep em coming!). The season's finale really gave me goose flesh and it was an experience I never had before when watching TV. I thought this is it, it never will get any better than this. Then season 3 came along, with this completely new psychological touch, which was absolutely convincing due to the great performance of the actors, special thanks to Juliet and Ben, who fit perfectly well into the show. Then things settled down a bit by mid-season and I feared that maybe they've literally lost it. And then came Through the looking glass, and I was nearly crying after that episode: the final flash-forward, the one that finally made it clear to us that this is really the future. "We have to get back!"; that was when I realized that this is the show I've always dreamed of. I thought: savor this moment - you will never experience anything like that again, be it television or cinema.

February 2008, finally, Lost is back. I was a bit disappointed that the season's opening episode did not start like the last two (somebody turning on music, not revealing their faces) but that was acceptable, given the way this season turned out. Five brilliant episodes climaxing in The Constant. I've always loved Desmond since his episodes were always mysterious and revealing, and of course I dig his accent :) And I was glad that this absolutely perfect episode focused on him. I can't describe what I felt when watching it... First, it turned out what I expected from the beginning, Daniel is the most fun of all the new characters, since his scientific attitude sheds some light on the island's mysteries. Two, we finally know what season 2 was meant for :) I had to watch the episode again because during the first time my mind was too occupied dealing with all the permanent amazing input it got. Even if they're not among the Oceanic Six, Desmond and Sawyer must survive somehow (at least until season 6) because they're the most exciting characters on the show.

This was the best moment of television I ever experienced and there, I said it: all you nostalgic cynics, forget once about Twin Peaks, this is the real deal. This is the best show ever to appear on television and every single one who misses it: shame on you! Thanks to everybody making this show happening. If the remaining eight episodes will keep up this pace we'll be able to get over the fact that this season will be three episodes short. Please keep this happening (or I'll send a ton of nuts to ABC on my own :) ) This was the best episode so far and I'm looking forward to the day when I'm shown that even this episode can be outclassed! If it were possible, 20/10
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