Review of The Rebel

Mission: Impossible: The Rebel (1970)
Season 5, Episode 11
Nice to see Leonard Nimoy and Mark Lenard working together again!
5 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Fans of 1960's television and Star Trek in particular know Mark Lenard as Spock's father in Journey to Babel and also as a Romulan commander in Balance of Terror. In The Rebel, Leonard also shares several scenes with Nimoy as he plays a corrupt South American military officer.

A couple other observations about this episode: There is no self-destructing tape scene at the beginning of this episode. :) At the beginning of the episode Jim Phelps is shot in the arm with a 30 cal. rifle. Later in the episode, he is shoveling away as he tunnels into a prison cell to save Dana and two captured rebels. Obviously, Jim is a fast healer! The bad guys just have to give up the habit of locating their underground prison cells next to abandoned sewer tunnels! I have forgotten how many times has the IMF been able to use sewer and utility tunnels that conveniently pass right by the bad guys' dungeons to break prisoners out of jail!
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