6 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a film enjoyed by many. It's British humor may be confusing to some Americans, but to some Americans like myself, I understand and I'm amused at the witty jokes that are in this film. While Monty Python's other films may be the center of parodies, there is only one parody that I know of that I found in Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Special Edition two disc set. This so called parody might actually just be a self parody from the creators. What am I talking about? Look in the title. The parody is completely done in Legos. Might have taken only a day to create because it's a two minute lego video.

In this short video, characters made of legos sing the song "Camelot". Of course, it's done in Legos. The title wouldn't lie, would it? It's from a big motion picture studio! Anyways, I thought this was pretty interesting. It wasn't very amusing. It wasn't very entertaining, either. I didn't really care for this video. The reason for it's rather large or high score on IMDb is for the reason of it's cleverness. It's just really clever to do something that stupid but unusually good.

Although, you may find this all over the Internet, mostly for it's short length and the technology of DVD ripping, you can do any way to watch this video. But, I wouldn't recommend it. It's just a really pointless video to watch.
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