7 March 2008
Trapped By the Mormons (1922)

* (out of 4)

Extremely bizarre and twisted British film, which is based on a 1911 novel written by a woman who tried her best to end the Mormon faith. This propaganda film is about an innocent young girl who falls prey to an evil Mormon man. First the man steals her away from her parents and then he tries to control her every move. The film tries oh so hard to spit on the Mormon faith and in the end it comes off as the Reefer Madness of faith films. The film is just so over the top in its writing and direction that you can't help but laugh at everything you see. The close ups of the man's eyes whenever he does anything evil is downright funny but sadly there aren't enough funny spots to keep this "drama" from being any good. The performances are all pretty bad as is everything else in this film. It's certainly worth watching once for its insane views but that's about it.
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