The real ECW!(The new One Excrement Chumpionsheet Wrestling doesn't count!)
9 March 2008
Here are the Original ECW wrestlers I used to like.

1.Rob Van Dam: He once wrestled Rhino with a broken left leg! To me he is The Whole F'N Show!

2.Cactus Jack: Greatest hardcore wrestler of all time! He had insane matches against Terry Funk, The Sandman, Sabu, and many more! As crippled as Mick Foley is now, I would still buy a ticket to watch him wrestle!(Not in the WWE.)

3.The Sandman: I loved it when he used his Singapore Cane on his opponents! He has wrestled in brutal Tables Ladders and Chairs and Hardcore matches! Later he joined the other ECW which he got fired after arguing with road agent from RAW Ricky"The Dragon"Steamboat.(I wouldn't watch Steamboat wrestle even if you gave me a ticket!)

4. Ian Rotten: Who can forget "The Barbed Wire Baseball Bat" match and the cringing "Taipei Death Match" against Axl Rotten!

5. Axl Rotten: See above and he was cool when he no-showed in the new ECW because I bet he was aware that he would be in the losing end of dark and squash matches!(I would buy a ticket to watch the Rottens wrestle!)

6. Justin Credible: He has wrestled in "First Blood", and "Stairway To Hell" matches. I thought he was a cool wrestler but WWE and the other ECW had him lose matches all the time including Kurt Angle beating him in seconds!

7. Mikey Whipwreck: For a little guy he sure was a great wrestler!

8. Sabu He has wrestled in more hardcore matches than I can name. In the new ECW they had him lose more matches than I feel he should.

9: C.W. Anderson: He was so good in acting like Arn Anderson's brother that I was convinced that they were related!(They weren't) He also is a talented wrestler who is now retired.(Too bad because I would pay to see him wrestle!)

10: New Jack: There's a crazy wrestler who jumped from a balcony on another wrestler who was lying on a table. (Mustafa Saed his tag team partner is cool too!)

11.Rhino: As far as I am concerned Rhino was the final ECW World and Television champion as of January 7, 2001 and any other shows after this does not count in my eyes!

12.Roadkill: I liked this guy, especially when he is with his tag team partner Danny Doring.(They were the last tag team champs in our ECW!) Roadkill was recently released from the WWE which I hope a promoter gives him a chance to tag with Doring again!

13.E.Z Money: I like this hardcore acrobat!

14.Mike Awesome:(RIP) I can never forget how he Awesome Bombed Masato Tanaka and I,m surprised that Tanaka's still alive.

15. Scott Anton. As hardcore as they come!

16. Lance Storm. This hardcore superstar is great! WWE also had Storm lose way more matches than he should have!

Todays ECW is a developmental league for the WWE because when a WWE mid carder is sent to the new ECW, they make that person a star.(Big Daddy V, who squashed Tommy Dreamer is a good example.)

Speaking of Dreamer, all the other originals,Stevie Richards, Balls Mahoney and Little Guido(Nunzio) are just enhancement talent for the WWE of today and Little Guido has been in a couple of squash matches.

No us hardcore fans will not watch the new crap because of Joey Stles and Tazz announcing no way! I am a fan of CZW now. (Combat Zone Wrestling)

I would rather buy the original ECW in the video store than to go to the WWEs version of ECW live for free and I am serious!

Long live EC Fn W!
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