9 March 2008
I went into this movie expecting a fresh take on a coming-of-age story. I was hoping for something than could take the same old story and infuse it with bold new life from fresh talent.

Instead what I got was a series of contrived conversation about topics that are hard to care about. It was nothing but drugs, women, and parental concerns explored at the depth of a plate of water. The main character gives a lackluster performance and never delivers a line with a hint of conviction. Other characters were annoyingly one-dimensional and seemed to scream "Hey, look, we're edgy! Check out how flippant we are! Whoah!".

There wasn't any significant character development. Nothing transcended this mess. It just drowned in it's own useless wake. Sad to see something like this coming from my beloved San Jose, I had to fight the urge to walk out.
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