Unseen Cinema D1
13 March 2008
Pie in the Sky (1935)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Early film from Elia Kazan (and several other directors) is a spoof of religion that isn't funny, interesting or spiritual. The film tries to be better than it is by using various camera tricks but nothing really works here. Kazan also plays the lead.

Travel Notes (1932)

** (out of 4)

Semi-documentary about a voyage to Tahiti where the director films everything on board. Some nice camera shots but pretty dull story.

"Oil": A Symphony in Motion (1933)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

I have no idea what this film was about but it was boring. Even the technical aspects were all rather dull so its inclusion on this set is beyond me.
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