Excellent low budget thriller
14 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This one is a real low-rent gem from the UK. An American ex-service man has the "perfect plan" to rob a train mail-car of it's weekly load of cash. His plan is to cut through the wall of the car while the train is moving. Once they have the cash they will toss the bags out the window at an arranged place to be picked by one of the gang. His crew includes a woman, an old time safe-cracker and the pick-up man. As with all "perfect plan" films things start to unravel rather quickly. This is a very good low-budget film with a great bang-up ending. Well worth catching if you can find it. Several of the other posters nail this one much better than i make it sound. Canadian actor Lee Patterson showed up in all sorts of these low-rent UK programmers.
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