Review of The Demon Hand

The Demon Hand was another compelling episode of "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles"
15 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As the episode begins, Cameron is dressed as a cop. She's going to the police station to put the power out with her hand so she can get the dismembered hand from the Terminator she killed. A look at the sheet list reveals it's in the possession of Agent Ellison. After Cameron goes home and tells Sarah about the hand, Sarah tells her to look for the man who took the Turk from Andy, Dimitri. Cameron poses as a ballet dancer to find his sister, Maria. It's there she overhears her and Dimitri talking about their troubles with the Russian mob in their native language. Agent Ellison watches some tapes of Sarah when she was put in a mental institution and watched by a Dr. Silberman. He goes to where the doctor now resides: a cabin in the woods. Silberman acts kindly towards him initially then cuts his knee after poisoning him with tea to find out if he's a machine. Ellison then gets tied up and almost killed when Silberman sets fire to his own house. Sarah saves the agent after punching Silberman before taking back the hand to later burn. Ellison then turns Silberman in the same room Sarah was held in. After Cameron gets info from Dimitri about where the Turk is, she leaves him and his sister just as the mob comes up to kill them. During much of this time, John watches one of the tapes of his mother that she earlier took from Ellison's house and is saddened to find out she had years before singed away parental rights when she left him in the care of some now-dead foster parents. And Derek and Cameron each declare that they knew each other from before and Derek tells her, "You may have fooled the others but you haven't fooled me." Though he must wonder how human-like she's becoming when he sees her ballet dancing to some familiar music...While this was more of a drama with expository dialogue that references T2: Judgement Day, most of it was compellingly played. Certainly the scenes involving Silberman and Ellison were some of the most shocking I've seen so far in this series. And how wonderful to see Summer Glau put her dancing skills to good use here! No wonder she has such a nice figure. Brian Austin Green gets better with each episode and has managed to ditch his previous role as 90210's David Silver forever! Can't wait for the two-part season (hopefully not series) finale so until next time...
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