World War II
15 March 2008
In 1942, it was common practice to refer to Japanese as Japs and Germans as Nazis. For a post-Pearl Harbor propaganda film, this isn't as racist as it could have been. Newsreels of that time were often more racist than this.

Watching this, I wondered how many of the men lined up for Gen. "Hap" Arnold to pin their wings on them were real pilots. And out of those men, how many would die in combat. I don't know the statistics, but I would imagine that being part of a flight crew in 1942 wasn't a job with great long-term prospects.

If you're interested in American propaganda from the early part of American involvement, this is a good start. This isn't as good as the Frank Capra produced series "Why We Fight", but definitely worth a look if you are into World War II and American History of the mid-20th Century.
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