Hush Little Baby (2007 TV Movie)
Very basic.......very very basic....but with cheese!
17 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not gonna take to long to comment on this film. From 5 minutes in, my opinion was that the film was simply a typical poor thriller. The story line had been done before, the acting was not terrible but just seemed too easy, with the lead lady just sobbing and crying me a headache! But the finishing blow came about 30 minutes into the film when you hear the supposedly dead little girl from the past say "you killed me mummy!" In a ridiculous voice. That along with the fact that the lead character seems to like talking to herself throughout, just to let the audience know the obvious like "why's the window open?". May not sound like a bad thing reading it here but after watching the same scene you will surely end up thinking to yourself "yeah? so just get on with it!"

I just cant help but think how bored I was. It seems like most thrillers are just churned out of the same factory now. "Hush Little Baby" even seemed to have a silly background soundtrack that was so over the top that it should have been in a joke movie like "Just another thriller movie" or something!

The point of this movie seemed to be to guess whether the mother was actually going nuts over the guilt from the death of her first daughter or that it was actually the evil baby who has the spirit of the dead daughter within, looking for revenge. Hmmmm.

So the writers of "Hush Little Baby" watched a bunch of quality thrillers, took an idea from each (The Omen for instance, hell there's even a crow for goodness sake!), ticked the boxes and thought it would translate into a cash cow. They were probably right. I didn't pay to see it, but Im sure many did. As long as they don't expect any recognition for this waste of two hours!

Maybe Im being too harsh? Maybe I was in a bad mood whilst watching this? I know for a fact though that I was in a good mood before the film.

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