Two Tigers (2007)
Khoo cares about this mess?
17 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
'Two Tigers' is a sadly flawed movie which is crippled from the outset by the poor script and hideous acting from the two female leads. Neither Selena Khoo or Andrea Osvart is speaking their native tongue, but one wonders if they would look any better if they were. The movie concerns a crack female assassin Gilda (Osvart) who is sent on a mission to kill an Arabic businessman. On arrival she notices that the woman in the opposite apartment is a prostitute Lin (Khoo). After helping her fight off some heavies with some of the most ponderous and inept martial arts moves ever seen, the two become friends. But alas, her handlers order her to kill an expatriate Frenchman and his lover, who happens to be Lin. 'Two Tigers' cannot seem to make up it's mind whether it is a drama studying females whose lives are governed by men or a straight action picture. It fails as drama because nobody in the film can act. In Ms Khoo's lengthy (and obviously self penned) resume, she claims that she returned from Hollywood due to a lack of good roles for Asian women. The truth is more likely that she couldn't get any work because she is a terrible actress incapable of delivering any of her lines convincingly. Khoo only looks good on screen when she's silently posing in various states of undress, but she instantly looks years older the second she pulls any kind of facial expression. She claims to be 29, yet she did undoubled nude scenes with Robert Patrick in the Albert Pyun movie 'Hong Kong '97' which was made in 1994. So according to her she was 15 or 16 when she did the Pyun movie – something which I find hard to believe. Osvart fails to be convincing in her role as an assassin, and here is the other glaring fault of the movie – the 'action' is appallingly executed. Gilda's two 'hits' are done with absolutely no sense of tension or excitement as. she turns up, takes aim, kills and leaves. Even worse are the 'martial arts' scenes, where the bad guys crumple from the lamest looking kicks and punches imaginable. There is a scene at Lin's dojo where a line of students watch in fake awe as Lin and then Gilda demonstrate their pathetic martial arts 'skills' and the script adds even more contempt for the audience by having Lin asking Gilda 'what Dan are you'? I honestly have seen better fight choreography from teenagers goofing around on youtube than from the inept producers of 'Two Tigers' Unless you find the characters pleasant to look at, there is nothing to recommend in 'Two Tigers'. It seems that the producers obviously went with the old Godard line that all you need is a girl and a gun, but forgot that you also need a little talent behind and in front of the camera.
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