Future Kick (1991)
Kick to the face...
17 March 2008
Don "The Dragon" Wilson stars as Walker a nominal cyborg (A cyborg that can get drunk.) who helps Meg Foster find out who killed her husband while battling Chris Penn in the process and dodging bad guys in the hell that is earth in the 21st century. Future Kick is easily the weakest of my robot movie binge and the reason is because it's been so badly put together that any idea of science fiction is lost in the kickboxing chaos. If said action sequences were good, things would be interesting but alas, Damian Klaus fuses these sequences with the excitement of golf and hence the film just slogs through its predictable plot points with uninspired dreariness. The film also seems to be patched with stock footage, and the film's special effects are lame. Aside from a few scenes of heart rippings and decapitations the film just has nothing in its favor. The movie also features a stupid ending, a really confusing explanation as to who Don Wilson's character is and worst of all is the sheer uninspired way it all plays out. Science Fiction can often be exciting and enjoyable when low budget filmmakers really try hard to take advantage of ideas but when they rip off better movies and lack the decency to flow without energy you get movies like Future Kick. A movie devoid of brains, excitement and watch-ability. Future Kick is really quite an awful movie.

* out of 4-(Bad)
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