The Munsters: A Walk on the Mild Side (1964)
Season 1, Episode 3
If you don't love this one, you must be dead!
21 March 2008
Having not seen the Munsters for many years, I decided to work my way through the series in order. I'm only on the third episode at the moment, but this has got to be one of the funniest. And if it isn't, I'm not sure whether my sides will be able to take much more strain.

This excellent episode sees Herman (Fred Gwynne) taking late night strolls through his local park as a cure for insomnia. However, when the local paper reports sightings of a huge monster in the area, Lily tries to convince her husband to quit his night-time walks. After all, she doesn't want Herman to run into the monster!!!

With loads of funny sight gags, and plenty of monstrous puns, A Walk On The Mild Side is a real winner from start to finish. Funniest moments include the hilarious reactions of the people who spy Herman as he strolls around the park (including one woman whose hair literally stands on end), Grandpa's silly invention (which never seems to work correctly), and the ridiculous attempts of the local police force to apprehend the 'creature'.
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