Decent Short
22 March 2008
Strong to the Finich (1934)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Olive Oyl is running a school for boys but they refuse to eat their spinach so Popeye comes along to teach them why they should. This here is one of the weaker shorts I've seen from Popeye. The film really comes off just as a teaching lesson but nothing being taught is overly funny. There are a couple cute sequences of Popeye teaching the boys, which includes one scene where he feeds a chicken some spinach only to have it lay a dozen eggs. The best scene is near the end when the boys feed two sick cows some spinach and it turns them into mean, fighting bulls who Popeye must battle. This is a weaker short but it's still worth watching if you're a fan of the Popeye shorts. It should be noted that there's a black kid in the mix and he's played to look like a monkey. This type of thing certainly won't go over well today but we must remember the time it was made.
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