Democracy at it's Worst
23 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the most fascinating documentary I've seen in a long time. The subject matter may sound stale, but the action, drama and raw emotions are fresh and real. It's less a story of the baser elements of democracy and/or the human spirit, as some reviewers superficially assert, as it is about how parents affect they children. For all the benefits of parental involvement in their children's academic and emotion success, this film make you stop and question yourself as a parent.

Are parents who become overly involved in their children's classroom and socialization with other children doing more harm than good? Especially when they are teaching their children dirty tricks and tactics that actually work. In this documentary, we witness children turn from naive and benevolent to manipulative and under-handed. We watch as the clean and dirty campaigns alike both lose out to the candidate who has the most money to buy votes. Money, gifts and trips outstrip both intelligence and friendliness.

In the end, the students make a choice not necessarily in their own personal benefit. On one hand, that seems altruistic. On the other hand, it seems ignorant. But, despite all of this, you can't help but emotionally bond with these young people and start to care about them.

This same documentary could be made in town in America, though the topic would probably be sports or cheer leading.
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