Kiltro (2006)
Did I see the same movie as everyone else?
25 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Kiltro is an ultra low budget Chilean martial arts film, apparently the first of its kind. Since the budget is so low I can look past the bargain basement set pieces straight out of the 40s, but what I can't look past is a jumbled, incoherent story full of plot holes; stone-faced actors; terrible pacing; and god awful CG blood. They would've been better off pulling a Tony Jaa and breaking everyone's limbs and neck. It would've looked better, saved money, and had a greater effect.

Another gripe I have is with the whole love story. Everyone else seems to think it is cute and emotional. I think its scary. Zamir is nothing but an obsessed stalker. The opening of the movie has Zamir skulking in the shadows at a club watching a girl (Kim) dancing with some guy. When the guy gets a little frisky Zamir goes into rage mode and attacks. We find out later on that this guy that Zamir attacked is really Kim's boyfriend. We also find out through the story and flashbacks that Zamir had been stalking Kim for 2 years and violently attacked any guy who tried to get close to her. I don't know about you guys, but to me that isn't a good way to set up a quirky love comedy.

But I can't be all negative. Marko Zaror is an impressive individual. He is so ripped he makes some of the Spartans in 300 look scrawny, and for a man his size he has some incredible moves. I just wish he had a better director behind him. Espinoza's ham-fisted attempts at capturing the action was embarrassing. One reason why Tony Jaa is getting so popular, even though he shares the same stoic demeanor as Zaror, is because his director knows how to capture all of his moves and make them look gorgeous.

In conclusion, I think Marko Zaror has a lot of potential. I just hope he gets a decent director soon. Even if the story and acting is sacrificed again, I believe that if they can get his action scenes looking great he can be a new rising star.
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